Friday, January 27, 2017

Valentine Wood: Last Will and Testament, March 10, 1781

Henry Wood map of Goochland County, circa 1820 (Original in Virginia Historical Society collection)
[Last Will and Testament of Valentine Wood, March 10, 1781. This is my very rough transcription from poor quality photocopies. "Mulatto" is spelled variously in the original, among other words. Partially obscured scanned images can be found here.]

In the name of God Amen, I Valentine Wood, of the County of Goochland, and parish of St. James of Nottingham being in his perfect senses do make and ordain my last will and testament in manner and form following.

. . . I lend unto my beloved wife Lucy Wood during her natural life the plantation I purchased of Mr. William Meriwether in Goochland County as also a small tract I bought of [?] adjoining the said land and after her deceased bequeath and divide the said lands with all my lands in the said county unto my son Henry Wood, to him and his heirs for ever.

Item, I devise and bequeath to my son Valentine Wood, all my lands in the County of Albermarle laying on the North River and Buck Island Creek to him and his Heirs forever.

Item, I devise and bequeath unto my Son John Wood, my land and plantation in Louisa County, called Forked Creek to him and his Heirs forever.

Item, I devise and bequeath unto my son William Wood, a tract of Land I purchased of Mr. Nicholas Meriwether by patent grant by his Excellency Thomas Jefferson Governor of our Common Wealth to him and his heirs forever.

I order and direct possession . . . that my three sons before mentioned purchase for my son William . . . 

Item, I give unto my Son Henry Wood a Mullatoe Boy named Sam, and my Gold Watch with my Mahagonna [sic] Desk and . . . with half my Library Books to him and his Heirs forever.

Item, I give unto my Son Valentine Wood my Mullatoe Boy named Jonas with my Father's old Desk and the remaining part of my Desk together with my large Watch to him and his Heirs forever.

Item, I give unto my Son John Wood a Mullatto Boy named Moses with my Small Watch to him and his Heirs forever.

Item, I give unto my Son William Wood my Mullatto Boy named Bob and desire a watch may be purchased out of the profits of the estate for him and his Heirs forever.

Item, I give unto my Daughter Martha Wood a Mullatto Girl named Beth, and my Harpsichord to her and her Heirs forever.

Item, I give unto my Daughter Mary Wood a Mulatto Girl named Annie, to her and her Heirs forever.

Item, I give unto my daughter Lucy Wood, a Mullatto Girl named Jada, to her and her Heirs forever.

Item, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jane Wood, a Mulatto Girl named Sukey to her and her heirs forever.

Item, my desire is all the remainder of my Negroes be divided into nine equal lots, and that my said wife Lucy Wood have her first Choice and to keep them during her natural life and at her death to be divided amongst my foresaid eight children to them and their Heirs forever.

Item, I give and bequeath unto my said Wife Lucy Wood all my household and kitchen furniture twenty head of Cattle half Stock of Hoggs in in [sic] Goochland County and all my stock of Sheep, to her own disposal.

Item, my will and desire is that my Children be educated as . . . the circumstance of my estate will allow . . .

. . . and James & his eldest Son will . . . In testimony whereof I have herewith set my hand and affix my seal this tenth day of March one thousand seven hundred and eighty one. 

Signed Sealed published and declared by the testator to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of the witnesses here unto subscribed 

William Meriwether
Samuel Lemay
Mary Lemay

Val. Wood Seal

Sept. Court 1781

This writing was presented in Court and proved by the oaths of Wm. Meriwether and Samuel Lemay to be the last will and testament of Valentine Wood Dec'd, and was thereupon admitted to Record.

Test. G. Payne Ct. Ck.

[Valentine Wood (1724-1781) 
Lucy Henry Wood (1743-1826) 
William Wood (circa 1764-1824)
Henry Wood (circa 1765-1814)
Sarah (1767-1768)
Martha Wood 1768-1834)
Mary Valentine Wood (1769-1825) 
Valentine (1772-?)
Jane Wood (1776-1810) 
John Henry Wood (1776-1850)
Enslaved mulattoes -- half-siblings or cousins of the Wood children, probably: Sam Wood, Jonas Wood, Moses Wood, Bob Wood, Beth Wood, Annie Wood, Jada Wood, Sukey Wood. 
Capt. William Meriwether (1730-1790)
Col. Nicholas Meriwether (1667-1744)
Samuel Lemay (1737-1815)
Mary Lemay (related to Samuel Lemay)
George Payne (1707-1784).]

[Many thanks to William Myers, Mary Davy, Sally Young and Susan Davis for their ongoing research collaboration.]

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