Monday, July 31, 2017

James Steptoe to Sarah "Sally" Tate Steptoe Massie, June 29, 1815

[James Steptoe [at Federal Hill, Virginia,] to Sarah "Sally" Tate Steptoe Massie near Rose’s Mill, Nelson County, Virginia, June 29, 1815. Massie Family Papers, Virginia Historical Society. This is my rough, annotated transcription from a copy graciously provided by William Myers. Extra paragraph breaks inserted for easier reading.]

                                                                                June 29th 1815
My dear Child,

It gives me great pleasure to hear, by Robin, that you still continue to recover your health, and strength. 

I intended, when Mr. Massie left me, to see you, if possible, in Nelson, before my setting off for the Warm Springs, or to take Colo. Massie's on my way to those Springs.

If I do not set off to the Springs in the course of ten days, I fear I shall not go this season. I have therefore determined to go by the shortest route, (the Peaks of Otter), and call at Colo. Massie's on my way Home, if practicable -- or after my return Home, which I expect will be in the course of about five weeks, go over.

I shall then be able, perhaps, to travel to Nelson, or even to Jericho. At all events, I shall on my return, be able to ascertain and estimate my strength and know what I can, and what I cannot do.

I will certainly see my old Friend Colo. Massie, in Nelson, if I live, and am able, before the setting in of the next Frost.

My most respectful compliments to the Colo. and to all the members of all the Families. 

                                                      Yr. affect. Father
                                                                  Ja. Steptoe

[My dear Child = Sarah "Sally" Tate Steptoe Massie (1796-1828), who was married to William Massie (1795-1862) and was the daughter of James Steptoe (1750-1826). There is a massive Massie collection at the University of Texas here.

James Steptoe (1750-1826), whose home base was “Federal Hill.” Harvey Mitchell (1799-1866) later painted his portrait here. See this link. The Federal Hill estate was located very close to New London and also Lynchburg, Virginia; about three miles or so away from Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest. Was in Bedford County, but now it’s in Campbell County. Picture here.

Robin = not sure who this is.]

[Many thanks to Sue Davis, William Myers, Mary Davy and Sally Young for their ongoing research collaboration.]  

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