Saturday, March 25, 2017

Charles Clement Johnston to Susanna (Susan) Smith Preston, April 24, 1829

[Charles Clement Johnston at Abingdon to Susanna (Susan) Smith Preston near Fincastle, Virginia, April 24, 1829. Box 25, Folder 5, Robert Morton Hughes Papers, Special Collections and University Archives, Patricia W. and J. Douglas Perry Library, Old Dominion University Libraries, Norfolk, VA 23529. This is my rough transcription. Instances of the "long s" in the original have been modernized and paragraph breaks added for easier reading.]

My Dear Susan

I have just received yours of the 16th and experience the most heartfelt pleasure on hearing how well your trip has benefited and entertained you. On this account I pardon entirely the scold you give me, particularly as you have no doubt found out before this, that I have taken the stars[?] of you in that matter.

In regard to your journey to Bedford and your plans relating to my children, I beg you to pursue your convenience and inclination entirely. I am perfectly willing that they should stay either with Sarah or William or go with you.

Indeed I have wish'd them to pass a good deal of their time at William's, that they might become acquainted with and attached to their cousins. They are all too young to go to school regularly as a task: indeed on this subject I have always wished to lead them gently into the path of improvement without doing at any time the slightest violence to their inclinations. Although I might be unwilling to trust either of my children with an old maid I am not afraid to trust you yet awhile.

I will be in the month of June before I can leave home when I propose staying some weeks at the Springs and hope that you will to be able to make such arrangements as to accompany me.

Charles Preston proposes to visit Botetourt in a few days. If he does I shall send down Edward to see you all. With my best wishes & love to you all, begging you to kiss my dear little ones for me, and to talk to them frequently of me. I remain as ever
                                       yours most affectionately
                                                 Ch.s C. Johnston

[Eliza Madison Preston Johnston (1803-November 27, 1828) married Charles Clement Johnston (1795-1832), at Greenfield, on December 29, 1822. 
Sue/Susan = Susanna (Susan) Smith Preston (1805-1857)

The children = John Preston Johnston (1824-1847) was born on February 1, 1824. Eliza Mary Johnston (1825-1909) was born on July 3, 1825.
Sarah = Sarah Radford Preston (1806-1848) 
William = William Mosely Radford (1810-1873). Sadly for Charles, no doubt, Susan married William in August of 1831 at Greenfield. 
The Springs = Botetourt Springs.
Charles Preston = Charles Henry Campbell Preston (1807-1832)
Edward = Edward Carrington Preston (1812-1836).]

[Many thanks to Sue Davis, William Myers, Mary Davy and Sally Young for their ongoing research collaboration.]

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