Sunday, January 15, 2017

Charles Johnston: 1831 Advertisement for Botetourt Springs, Virginia

[Richmond Enquirer, volume XXVIII, Issue 12 (June 21, 1831), page 4. Extra paragraph breaks added for easier reading.]


The subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has reduced the rate of board at this Establishment to $4.50 per week, for ladies and gentlemen, and half that price for children, servants and horses.

He last year sent a bottle of these waters to Dr. Thomas Cooper of Columbia, S.C., for the purpose of being analyzed, whose chemical knowledge is well known. He pronounces them to be "exactly similar  to the water of Harrowgate [Harrogate], in England, and those of the York Springs and Carlisle Springs, in Pennsylvania," the celebrity of which are well known, particularly the former.

In fact, from a ten years' residency on the spot, and my observations during that time, of their effects upon a variety of Cases, I can with confidence pronounce them to be equal, or nearly so, to any mineral waters in the state, and superior to some.

In cases of debility they are particularly efficacious, giving at once an increased appetite, exhilarating the depressed spirits of the patient, and renovating the whole system. One some persons of peculiar habits of body, they are not thought to be sufficiently active; but by adding a little epsom salts, or even common table salt, to the first glass, the objection is entirely removed. 
                                                             CHARLES JOHNSTON
                                                                              Botetourt Springs.
June 14                                                                  10-3t

[Charles Johnston (1769-1833)

Dr. Thomas Cooper (1758-1839), President of South Carolina College from 1821 until 1833; associate of Edward William Johnston (1799-1867), Charles' nephew and future short-lived caretaker of Botetourt Springs.
$4.50 in 1831 = about $120 in early 2017.]

[Many thanks to William Myers, Mary Davy, Sally Young and Susan Davis for their ongoing research collaboration.]

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