Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Henry Rees Bowen to Louisa Bowen Johnston, February 11, 1819

[Henry Rees (aka Reese) Bowen at [Maiden Spring] Tazewell Courthouse, Virginia, to Louisa Smith Bowen Johnston at Abingdon, Virginia, February 11, 1819, anonymous typescript copy, folder 41, Trigg-Floyd Collection, Special Collections, John Cook Wyllie Library, The University of Virginia's College at Wise (formerly Clinch Valley College), Wise, Virginia. Spellings left as in original transcript.]

My dear Child,

I sit Down to inform you of The news in this place, the young people here have broke Out in a New place a few weeks ago Robt. Gillespie and Jane Ward was married. [L]ast Thursday was a week Rees Bowens Betsey was married to Rees Ward and tomorrow Polley Green is to be married to a Grap Wolford, the Greens is a making Great preparations for a large wedding. On Sunday next I shall start your brother to School at his grandfather Tate's.

I have no other news worth your attention if I should not attend the Sail of the Doctors Propperty, when you want to come here if you cannot get a convenient conveyance you must wright to me, and I will come and bring you; also wright whether I must bring a horse Or not for you to wride.

Kiss my dear little John for me and Remember me to the Judge and Mrs Johnston I hope she has recovered from her illness

This from your Affectionate Father
H. Bowen

[I = Henry Rees (aka Reese) Bowen (1770-1850)
My dear Child = Louisa Smith Bowen Johnston (1800-1873), going on nineteen years old at the time of this letter.

Robt. Gillespie (1786-1858) married Jane Ward (circa 1801-?) on December 31, 1818.
Rees Bowen (1767-1828)
Betsey = Elizabeth Bowen (1801-1858) married Rees Madison Ward (1795-1865) on January 29, 1819.
Polley Green married George Wolford on February 11, 1819
Your brother = Rees Tate Bowen (1809-1879)
Grandfather Tate = Thomas Tate (1744-1833)
The Doctor = Dr. John Warfield Johnston (December 14, 1790-December 10, 1818)
Dear little John = John Warfield Johnston (September 9, 1818-February 27, 1889), undoubtedly renamed from Henry for his father after the latter's sudden death. Henry would have been in honor of Louisa's father.

The Judge = Peter Johnston, Jr. (1763-1831)
Mrs. Johnston = Mary Valentine Wood Johnston (1769-1825)]

[Many thanks to William Myers, Mary Davy and Sally Young for their ongoing research collaboration.] 

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