Friday, November 25, 2016

Sally Johnston Lee to Joseph Beverly Johnston, August 6, 1885

[Sally Buchanan Floyd Johnston Lee at Richmond, Virginia, to Joseph Beverly Johnston at [?], August 6, 1885, folder 572, Trigg-Floyd Collection, Special Collections, John Cook Wyllie Library, The University of Virginia's College at Wise (formerly Clinch Valley College), Wise, Virginia. This is my rough transcription].

114 W. Grace st. Richmond, Va 
Aug 6th 1885

My dearest Joe,

Your letter came a goodly time ago, and while I had a great desire to show my appreciation of it, I have not had the time to do so. The convention nearly ran me crazy to begin with, and then Capt Lee and N.M. were both sick for a week, so I have had a watch at my back which has kept me going at a handsome pace. This convention has revealed to me a fact which I have long . . . [page missing?] 

Father's letter which came several days ago tells me you have the prospect of getting something to do. I hope, and pray, you may, but oh! I am such a selfish creature, my heart fails me when I think you going so far away. However, if it cannot be helped, go, and may God bless, and prosper you, and bring you safe back to us. You are not the first young man who has had to go far away for a living, nor will you be the last. But in the meantime I pray that something in . . . [page missing?]

. . . way to Gen Grant's funeral. From all accounts it will be the parade of the century. But he is doing me as George Peabody did Dr. Louise. Mother can tell you how that was. With my heart full of love to every one of you, Father, Mother, sisters, Brothers, nieces, and nephews, and many prayers for your happiness

I am always
your loving sister
Sally J. Lee

[Sally Buchanan Floyd Johnston Lee (1848-1925)
Joseph Beverly Johnston (1859-1943)
Capt Lee = Henry Carter Lee (1842-1889)
N.M. = probably Anne "Nannie" Mason Lee (1877-1975)
Convention = [?]
Father = John Warfield Johnston (1818-1889)
Gen Grant = Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885) died on July 23, 1885
George Peabody (1852-1938), philanthropist
Dr. Louise = [?]
Mother = Nicketti Buchanan Floyd Johnston 1819-1908)]

[Many thanks to William Myers, Mary Davy and Sally Young for their ongoing research collaboration.] 

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