Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Family Record of the Descendants of Peter Johnston, Part 2

[Family Record of the Descendants of Peter Johnston, of Edinburg (Edinburgh, Scotland). Folder 5, Trigg-Floyd Collection, Special Collections, John Cook Wyllie Library, The University of Virginia's College at Wise (formerly Clinch Valley College), Wise, Virginia. This is my rough transcription. Note: handwriting in the original most closely resembles that of Joseph Eggleston Johnston (1807-1891). Though the document is undated, by the dates included it must have originated in 1846 or after. By the handwriting and style, it almost certainly dates to no later than the end of the nineteenth century].

Children of Peter & Mary Johnston

Martha Maria, first child of Peter & Mary Johnston, was born 15th April 1789.

John Warfield Johnston, their first son, was born 14th Dec. 1790.

Peter Carr Johnston, second son, was born 24th February 1793.

Charles Clement Johnston, third son, was born on 30th April 1795.

Valentine Johnston, fourth son, was born 3d Oct. 1797.

Edward William Johnston, fifth son, was born 17th October 1799.

Algernon Sydney Johnston, sixth son, was born 17th October 1801.

Beverly Randolph Johnston, seventh son, was born 22d October 1803.

Joseph Eggleston Johnston, eighth son, was born on 3d February 1807.

Benjamin Franklin Johnston, ninth son, was born 18th Nov. 1808.

(All the children of Peter and Mary Johnston, up to this time, were born in the county of Prince Edward, at a place called Lochwood [aka Longwood], a mile South of Farmville.)

Jane Wood Johnston, youngest child, was born 26th Nov. 1811 in Abingdon, South=west [as in original] Virginia, to which place the family had removed, soon after the father had received the appointment of Judge.

John Warfield Johnston, son of Dr. John Warfield Johnston & his wife Louisa, was born 9th Sept. 1818 at Panecillo, the residence of Judge Peter Johnston, near Abingdon.

John Preston Johnston, son of Charles & Eliza Johnston, was born in Abingdon, 1st Feb. 1824.

Eliza Mary Johnston, first daughter of Charles & Eliza Johnston, was born in Abingdon, on the 3d of July 1825.

Susanne Louisa Johnston, second daughter, was born in December 1826. Died in infancy.

Sally Campbell Johnston, third daughter, was born at Panecillo April 1828. Died in infancy.

These are all the grand=children [as in original] of Peter & Mary Johnston who bore their name.

Mrs. Michel has three children.
Mary Louisa, born in 1836.
William Manning, born in 1840.
Susan Henry, born in 1846.

[Many thanks to William Myers, Mary Davy and Sally Young for their ongoing research collaboration.]

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