Sonoma Democrat, Number 38, July 11, 1885:
Local Notes
Mrs. Binckley, City
Librarian,— informs us that 1,230 books were taken from the Free Library during
the month of June.
Santa Rosa Press
Democrat, Number 262, May 8, 1886:
Mrs. Binckley, the Librarian, showed our reporter a
very pretty piece of hand painted china the other day, which was gilded and
burned in Santa Rosa. Heretofore lovers of the art were obliged to send their
china to San Francisco to have the finishing touches of the baking kiln added
to the pieces.
Santa Rosa Press Democrat,
Number 301, June 23, 1886:
Local Brevities
Mrs. M. L. Binckley, the
librarian, has a class in painting and drawing. Mrs. Binckley is
mistress of all branches of the art.
Sonoma Democrat, Number 48, September 18, 1886:
Our library
Our free library has
grown to be one of the leading institutions of Santa Rosa, and it is doubtful
it there is another institution (barring the churches) in our midst that is
more highly appreciated by all classes than our library. It will be remembered
that many opposed it, not because of any prejudice toward institutions of the
kind, but simply because they were doubtful of its success, and its success is
beyond the expectations of the most sanguine.
The average number of books taken
out each month is about 1200, which means with careful figuring about 400
regular subscribers, besides the many who go there evenings and spend a
pleasant hour reading the periodicals, pictorials, etc.
The library is not only
a success from a literary standpoint, but in a financial also, there being now
about $1100 in the treasury, which will be expended for new books us soon as
the new library is built. The list of books to be purchased with a portion or
all of the funds is being carefully compiled day by day by the trustees and our
most efficient librarian, Mrs. Binckley. The
patrons of the library one and all are most heartily satisfied with the
treatment they receive at the librarian’s hands, and have learned to rely on
her judgment in literary matters. She is a lady of extended reading and unbiased opinion, two
of the necessary requisites of a literary critic, and her services in compiling
the list of new books to be purchased will be valuable.
The gentlemen composing
the Board of Trustees could not be better chosen; they constitute as a body all
that goes to make a successful management.
The success of this institution
extends still further. It has been the means of keeping many a “young American”
off the streets at night; it has been the means of supplying literary
entertainment to those who could not enjoy the luxury otherwise. The shelves
are filled, even now, with the products of famous minds, works on history, art
and the sciences, while the novelist is not forgotten. When the new rooms are
finished and the shelves are filled with new books, Santa Rosa may be justly proud
of her library.
Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California, had a population nearing 5,000 at the time; in 2016, it is closer to 175,000]
Many thanks to Katherine J. Rinehart, M.A., Manager, History & Genealogy, Sonoma County Library, 211 E Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 for help with initial local research, the California Digital Newspaper Collection project, and also William Myers, Mary Davy and Sally Young for their assistance.
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