[Sonoma Democrat, Number 37, June 28, 1884]:
The Board
of Library Trustees met at the City Hall on Friday at 4 p.m. The Committee
appointed to communicate with other libraries, reported, presenting copies of
rules and regulations from San Francisco and Petaluma. A committee consisting
of Messrs Dozier and Riley was appointed to draw up rules and regulations for
the government of this library, to report at the next meeting of the Board. The
Secretary was instructed to report to the City Council on or before the first
Monday in July, setting forth the financial condition of the Library. Upon
motion, Messrs. Thompson, McDonald and Johnson were appointed a standing
Committee on Literature, to whom shall be assigned the duty of purchasing
books, papers and periodicals. A Ways and Means Committee, consisting of Messrs.
Dozier, Johnson and Riley, was appointed. On motion, Messrs. Thompson and
Dozier were appointed to secure a seal for the Library. Mrs. Binckley was elected
Librarian, at a salary of $25 per month, subject to ratification by the City
Council, as to the salary, to enter upon the duties July 1st. M. L. McDonald is
President, and M. Dozier Secretary of the Library. The Board adjourned to 7:30
p. m., the first Tuesday in July.
[Sonoma Democrat, Number 39, July 12, 1884]:
Common Council
A resolution from the Library
Trustees, appointing Mrs. Binckley as
Librarian, at a salary of $25 per month, subject to confirmation by the
Council, was read. Some objection was made to the amount of the salary, and the
number of hours not being stated, it was taken under consideration until the
next meeting.
[Sonoma Democrat, Number 40, July 19, 1884]:
Public Library
The books
of the old Santa Rosa Library Association are now arranged on the shelves of
the rooms of the Public Library at the City Hall, and Mrs. Binckley the
Librarian, will be found at her post every day, except Sundays, from 2 to 5 p.
m., and 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. For the present, no books can be taken from the
Library, but in a few days the rules and regulations will be adopted, and then
they will be at the service of all who desire to use them. The rooms are neatly
furnished, and will make an excellent place of resort.
[Sonoma Democrat, Number 44, August 16, 1884]:
Our Public Library
Although our Free
Public Library has only been in operation two weeks, the rooms are thronged
nightly, and the need of such an institution in our midst is plainly
demonstrated. On Saturday the loan of books had been in operation two weeks,
and about a hundred volumes had been taken out and read, besides the numbers
who have visited the rooms to spend some time examining books of reference and
perusing the periodicals which fill the table in the main room.
No funds have
been expended in the purchase of books, all that has been spent has been
applied to the fitting up of the rooms. They are a credit to our city, and when
provision is made for obtaining a supply of books, the usefulness of the
institution will be much more than doubled. Everything about the library is
absolutely free, the only requirement asked of those who desire the use of
books, is that, they prove themselves responsible for the volumes they take
Mrs. Binckley, the Librarian is just qualified for the position, being
well read and familiar with the writings of most of the standard authors. Call
and visit our Public Library at the City Hall.
[Mary Louisa Mitchell/Mitchell Binckley (1838-1930)
Many thanks to Katherine J. Rinehart, M.A., Manager, History & Genealogy, Sonoma County Library, 211 E Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 for help with initial local research, the California Digital Newspaper Collection project, and also William Myers, Mary Davy and Sally Young for their assistance.
[Mary Louisa Mitchell/Mitchell Binckley (1838-1930)
$25 in 1884 = about $600 in 2016
Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California, had a population nearing 5,000 at the time; in 2016, it is closer to 175,000]
Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California, had a population nearing 5,000 at the time; in 2016, it is closer to 175,000]
Many thanks to Katherine J. Rinehart, M.A., Manager, History & Genealogy, Sonoma County Library, 211 E Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 for help with initial local research, the California Digital Newspaper Collection project, and also William Myers, Mary Davy and Sally Young for their assistance.
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