In the house of Delegates, Friday, February 1st, 1811. The House, according to the joint resolution of both houses, proceeded by joint ballot with the Senate, to the election of a Brigadier-General to supply the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Brigadier-General Peter Johnston, and also for the election of a Judge of the General Court to supply the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Francis T. Brooke to the Court of Appeals. The usual formalities of such occasions being performed, the committee met a committee of the Senate, and jointly with them examined the ballots, and found a majority of the whole number of votes in favor of John Purnall, Esq., for Brigadier-General, and for Peter Johnston, Esq'r, for Judge of the General Court. Teste, Wm. Mumford, C. H.
Source: CALENDAR OF VIRGINIA STATE PAPERS AND OTHER MANUSCRIPTS FROM JANUARY 1, 1808, TO DECEMBER 81, 1835: Preserved in the Capitol, at Richmond. ARRANGED, EDITED, AND PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY AND DIRECTION OF H. W. FLOURNOY. Secretary of the Commonwealth and State Librarian. VOLUME X. RICHMOND: 1892, page 99.
[Peter Johnston, Jr. (1763-1831)
Francis Taliaferro Brooke (1763-1851)
John Purnall, resigned as brigadier general of the 11th Brigade by January 1, 1818. He was succeeded by Edward Codrington Carrington (1790-1855), who was related to many of the regional elites.
William Mumford, Clerk of the Virginia House of Delegates]
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