Wednesday, August 29, 2018

John Milton Binckley, June 1859 Travel Diary, Page 24

[John Milton Binckley, June 1859 Travel Diary, page 24. Many thanks to William Myers, Mary Davy, Sally Young and Sue Davis for their ongoing research collaboration; specifically to William for providing scans of the original document, and in turn many thanks to Peter Johnston Binckley and Patricia D'Arcy "Trish" Binckley (1951-2007), at the source. This is my rough transcription. Extra paragraph breaks inserted for easier reading.]

[continued]  Getting later lighter. Everybody asleep. Grafton Junction, quarter after 4 o'cl[o]ck. Quite light. 

Here a breakfast, too Early for us. After 25 minutes' delay, went on.

In the sleeping car last night was a fellow with a baby. He a droll looking half grown fellow, drunk. Much fun at watching him, nursing the baby, threatening eveyr moment to drop it, and talking to it as to a grown citizen. The lady passengers showed the women very strong. Whenever the wife was absent & the drunken but good natured father had the baby, the ladies watched intently, ready to grab it instantly if it should fall.

The sub-conductor, whose business it was to sell the sleeping berth tickets, & prepare the berths, declines to restore my money for mine, at a suggestion I made to that effect, all right.

Sunrise, Fairmount. Mother is very nervous and disconcerted. I cannot get her at Ease, and she suffers so much in consequence of her [to be continued.]  

[John Milton Binckley (1831-1878).
Mother = Charlotte Stocker Binckley (1788-1877).] 

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