Friday, August 31, 2018

John Milton Binckley, June 1859 Travel Diary, Page 26

[John Milton Binckley, June 1859 Travel Diary, page 26. Many thanks to William Myers, Mary Davy, Sally Young and Sue Davis for their ongoing research collaboration; specifically to William for providing scans of the original document, and in turn many thanks to Peter Johnston Binckley and Patricia D'Arcy "Trish" Binckley (1951-2007), at the source. This is my rough transcription. Extra paragraph breaks inserted for easier reading.]

Along this region, just informed a, a [sic] number of mountain gaps are opened to a[n] abrupt view by the course of the road at right angles with the natural valleys and Ravines. Here, the mile Tunnel. The scenery grows more beautiful still. Hills grow as[?] we approach now the river country.

Moundsville, seven miles from the Ohio River. Here lie hogsheads of tobacco. I see a good deal raised about here, many tobacco houses etc.

Just after passing this place, the conductor came to take up checks. Of those given at buying berths, I gave up one, for Mother's, & withheld the other, not having found a seat. The conductor remonstrated and demanded. I informed him that as a public duty, I had made up my mind to withhold that check. He declared his resolution to have the check. I rephrased[?] my purpose of withholding it, and observed that no further conversation was desirable on the subject. If he knew of any means of obtaining it, it was suggested that a [?] might be made to them, but no further talk, or my raised [to be continued.]  

[John Milton Binckley (1831-1878).
Mother = Charlotte Stocker Binckley (1788-1877).] 

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