"Oakland," home of Dr. Thomas P. and Ann Dandridge Saunders Mitchell, Bedford County, VA* |
Tuesday morning
Feby 21st 1853
My dear Rose,
I have just one moment to write -- your Pa's now awaiting with hat & cloak on to be off -- have promised to be very short & sweet, I had a nice time up, well attended by the beaus, whom I presume must have been electioneering. Mr. Mosby must have been anxious to make favorable impressions as he was all attention. Mr. Emmerson too was very attentive & polite, told me he intended to visit Bedford, again at the same time looking quite rosy. I found him an agreeable companion.
I was waited on from the Depot by Messrs. Reece & Goode & called on by messrs. Ben Roll [or Hall] & A. A. Clayton, all of whom made many anxious enquiries about you & Rose Dudley.
Be sure to write to-morrow -- don't disappoint me. I will have the carriage there in time. I met the carriage in Liberty found your Pa waiting for me, have had a dreadful rising[?] in my ear which confined me to bed two days -- a, quite well now. Charlie is well & perfectly happy, drinks the moderate quantity of 8 glasses beer pr. day -- dearest love to all -- tell Mr. Dudley, Bettie, Fannie & Mr. Chalmers to be sure to come -- bring Rose & Deb with you -- we have a rich old bachelor boarding with us -- came 8 hundred miles to get your Pa's medical attendance we are certainly rising notwithstanding the horror of our amiable kins-woman Mrs. Wm L. Loass[?] . . .
love to all & every one. John has just left -- tell Bowker to send him the dye for his moustach [sic]. I want you to tell him to send me some lemons -- be sure to bring them -- bring my boxes, apron & jug -- if I had it I would send some beer -- it is very nice -- tell Bowker to send John a pair [of] common boots or a nice pair [of] shoes, he can't get any in Liberty is nearly barefooted - don't fail to attend to all these orders, particularly shoes or boots for John -- tell sister Ann please send the trunk on to Wilson & Roberta may get it this week she needs it badly -- I put in all her things as she might dispose of those she did not want was sorry I could not send a better trunk.
In the greatest haste
yours devotedly
A D. Mitchell
[Dr. James Turner Saunders (1791-1864), married to Ann Marie Rives (1805-1887)
Your pa = Thomas P. Mitchell (1787-1861)
Ann Dandridge Saunders Mitchell (1800-1862)
John Saunders Mitchell (1827-1915)
Emiline Rosalie Mitchell (1832-1859)]
*Photo from Kipp Teague, Abandoned in Virginia. Link here.
Original manuscript in the Mitchell Family Papers, 1818-1853, Virginia Historical Society. This is my rough transcription.
Many thanks to William Myers for sending copies of letters from the Mitchell papers, and also to Mary Davy and Sally Young for their assistance.
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