[Joseph Eggleston Johnston at Richmond, Virginia, to John Warfield Johnston [at Abingdon, Virginia, or Washington City], November 13, 1877, folder 450, Trigg-Floyd Collection, Special Collections, John Cook Wyllie Library, The University of Virginia's College at Wise (formerly Clinch Valley College), Wise, Virginia. This is my rough transcription].
My dear John,
Your letter of yesterday came this morning.
I see that I did not express myself clearly in the matter of our helping Jane. I understood her to refer only to poor Lou's reputation, and to ask help in maintaining it. I would on no account ask you to contribute to her support. Since becoming established in my business, I have been doing what I could in that direction. Giving $300. a year each, to her and Brother Peter. Since his death $50.00 a month has been sent to her. Part of it, no doubt, goes to Master Willie, who is not in the habit of postponing himself to any one else. I offered Ben, here, an opportunity to invest $150. in a loan to his cousin, secured by that cousin; promise, but he neglected it. So I had done.
I wish I were by you for your [part missing] in writing to the president that sort of composition tries my intellect very severely. If there is anything inappropriate in the enclosed, or any thing omitted that you think would be effective, consider this a proof sheet, and return it with the correction or addition marked.
It would not be right on your part, to bestow money in helping your aunt.
Affectionately yours
J.E. Johnston
Hon John W Johnston
[$1 in 1877 = about $22 in 2016; so $300 = $6,500; $50 = $1,100; $150 = $3,300.
Joseph Eggleston Johnston (1807-1891)
John Warfield Johnston (1818-1889)
Jane Mary Wood Johnston (1811-1892)
Poor Lou = Mary Louisa Mitchell/Michel Binckley (1838-1930)
Brother Peter = Peter Carr Johnston (1793-1877)
Master Willie = William Manning Mitchell/Michel (1839-1908), a doctor by then practicing in California
Ben = George Ben Johnston (1853-1916), newly practicing doctor in Abingdon at the time]
My dear John,
Your letter of yesterday came this morning.
I see that I did not express myself clearly in the matter of our helping Jane. I understood her to refer only to poor Lou's reputation, and to ask help in maintaining it. I would on no account ask you to contribute to her support. Since becoming established in my business, I have been doing what I could in that direction. Giving $300. a year each, to her and Brother Peter. Since his death $50.00 a month has been sent to her. Part of it, no doubt, goes to Master Willie, who is not in the habit of postponing himself to any one else. I offered Ben, here, an opportunity to invest $150. in a loan to his cousin, secured by that cousin; promise, but he neglected it. So I had done.
I wish I were by you for your [part missing] in writing to the president that sort of composition tries my intellect very severely. If there is anything inappropriate in the enclosed, or any thing omitted that you think would be effective, consider this a proof sheet, and return it with the correction or addition marked.
It would not be right on your part, to bestow money in helping your aunt.
Affectionately yours
J.E. Johnston
Hon John W Johnston
[$1 in 1877 = about $22 in 2016; so $300 = $6,500; $50 = $1,100; $150 = $3,300.
Joseph Eggleston Johnston (1807-1891)
John Warfield Johnston (1818-1889)
Jane Mary Wood Johnston (1811-1892)
Poor Lou = Mary Louisa Mitchell/Michel Binckley (1838-1930)
Brother Peter = Peter Carr Johnston (1793-1877)
Master Willie = William Manning Mitchell/Michel (1839-1908), a doctor by then practicing in California
Ben = George Ben Johnston (1853-1916), newly practicing doctor in Abingdon at the time]
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