Botetourt Springs interior by JHB Latrobe, 1832 |
Dear Madam,
Annexed and enclosed are the Accounts between us. Mr. Floyd has twice passed us; but, in both instances, in a haste which forbade his attending to this matter. You will perceive that I can state but a part of the articles that form the credits to the account. These you will please fill up, from your own Memoranda; and let me know the several amounts to be charged me.
Changes in my arrangements, which have diminished my expected resources, threaten me with a serious want of money. I would. however, suffer very severe evil, rather than [cause?] trouble to one whom I so much love and venerate.
I hope that you continue well; and that dear Nicketti continues to think of us with that fixed affection, which we shall feel for her, as long as we live. It is possible that I may find time for a trip as far as Pulaski or Burke's Garden; but I am pressed with troublesome affairs that may hinder me of that gratification.
With the most affectionate respect to your household, ever, dear madam,
your obedient servant
Edward W. Johnston
[Statement of Accounts:]
Botetourt Springs, Aug. 1st 1839
Mrs. Letitia Floyd
1839 In account with Ed. W. Johnston, Dr.
To amount of Bill enclosed, for 2nd Session, for Tuition &c fillip N. Floyd $79.94
To do. do. do. 1st Session do. $68.37
May 10 To Board & Tuition of daughter from 1st March to this date 2 months 1/3 $35.00
To use of Bedding for the Same term 50¢ per mo. 1.16
Musical Instruction for the same Term @ 4$ pr. mo. 9.34
To 1 quire [25 sheets] L[etter?] paper 38[¢]
1 Graglia Italian Dictionary 1.75
1 Fiorelli's [Italian] Grammar, 50¢ 1.16
Postage paid Mr. Daggs .35
Postages from . . . April to 4 May 10. 10. 25. 10. 251/2
Contra 6. $31.62
By 1 Beef, as pr. Return enclosed
By . . . Pork, weight unknown
By . . . Butter
By 1 " Lard
[Edward William Johnston (1799-1867). On the outer envelope, it is noted "Free EWJohnston P.M." -- i.e. he was then postmaster of Botetourt Springs, which was a "post-village." He seems to have held this position from 1839 through 1841. In the latter year he was compensated $23.46 on "nett [sic] proceeds" of $50.58. (See A Register of Officers and Agents, Civil, Military, and Naval in the Service of the United States, a more or less biennial series published by the U.S. Government).
Botetourt Springs, Virginia = had been Charles Johnston's (1769-1833) estate and inn buildings, circa 1818 until Charles' death. Charles Johnston served as postmaster of this post-village for several years, until his death.
Letitia Preston Floyd (1776-1852)
Mr. Floyd = John Buchanan Floyd (1806-1863)
Nicketti = Nicketti Buchanan Floyd (1819-1908)
Mr. Daggs = Hezekiah Daggs (1773-1844), who administered Charles Johnston's buildings between the latter's death and Edward's purchase; he also did a stint as postmaster for Botetourt Springs
$1 in 1839 = about $25 in 2016]
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