Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Group Portrait: Mystery Photo, Early 20th Century

These images are derived from a copy of a long 44-45" by 7-8" group portrait somehow connected to the France family. I received a printed copy - a long roll -- from a direct descendant of Clifford Harold France (1899-1902), son of Joseph Absalom France (1868-1924). 

Images look to be around the Great War period (1914-1918) roughly speaking. The cars and fashions and ribbons should help narrow the time frame. 
Place could be a town or city in Missouri, Illinois or Indiana -- most likely. 
Inner right section.
Please contact Erik Donald France at or leave a comment if you'd like. Many thanks!


  1. Sign in the upper image on the left reads "LELAND."

  2. 'Erik,
    This is Edwardsville, Illinois, in front of the Court House on Main street. It looks like the Court House is under construction, which would have been 1914-1915. This is probably a photo of eighth graders in Madison County. They all came to Edwardsville (county seat of Madison County) and took a test to graduate. And the graduation ceremony was then held in Edwardsville. Judging from their attire, I would guess that this is the graduation photo. (The Leland Hotel was south of the court house) -- Mary Westerhold, Archival Research Manager, Madison County Archival Library' (March 21, 2018)

